Saturday, December 25, 2010

Beginning of the end

You know you are at the year end when you see "Best of" and 'Worst of" lists everywhere, right from television to newspapers...Fortunately or unfortunately, the business world still respects the financial year and schools/colleges have their academic years to stick to.
Infected by the "year ending" buzz, I too decided to post my last blog for this year...The last blog for which 2010 will appear against it...I know it's still not 31st, but knowing my average frequency of posting, I am sure this will be it for this year. Anything special to write about? Not really...When has it ever been... :)
For a change it's winters in Mumbai and I am simply loving it...I read about people suffering from Winter Blues. It supposed to be a scientifically recognized phenomenon that people suffer from as the days get shorter. Seriously, is this true, I wonder...
Besides the "Best of" and "Worst Of" Lists, there is one more type of list in the air...sacred resolution list...It is so scared that even the maker of this list forbids himself/herself from touching it. So best of Luck for creating yours.
Hope I keep blogging next year too (Not a resolution thankfully) ...See you next year