Wednesday, August 24, 2011

as you're there for me too...

It was already late by the time I reached office. The mailbox showed many unread mails from the client which indicated loads of upcoming work. It was going to be a looooooooooong day just like the day before and day before that. On any normal day, I would have been flustered and irritated and would probably have given a “Why, God Why” cry sometimes in my head and sometimes aloud. But today was different. I was still smiling. And so it continued throughout the day. It was as if I had a Felix Felicis to drink. Twinkling eyes, shared laughter and uncountable memories stayed with me throughout the day . I had just met my closest and oldest friend after a gap of four years.

She has been my friends for ten years now. Yes, it may not seem so old to other people. People have friends from the time they were in school. Unfortunately having been in multiple schools I don’t have such friends. In this gap of four years, we didn’t talk every now and then. Even the mails were once in a while. Technology has its limitations. You can’t say everything you want to unless the person is right in front of you. She missed my marriage and I missed hers.

Even now it seemed very unlikely that we would meet. But finally, overcoming all odds, we were there, sitting opposite each other in a restaurant, the way we had done so many no. of times during the college days. We both had so much of catching up to do. During the phone calls generally the milestones get shared but not the journey. Its only after talking to her I realised that I had missed this total frankness for quite some time now. The interruptions by the waiter who had mistakenly thought that we had come for a quick breakfast was a constant reminder that we had limited time. Anyways I don’t think any amount of time would have been sufficient enough. But even this small dose of Luck lasted me the day. Hope it lasted for you too, my friend.


Mukta said...

"... generally the milestones get shared but not the journey."
Awesome quote :)

subhash said...

I could feel the article flowing from the depth of the heart!! good one. The best part of meeting an old time friend is sharing what you want to share and avoid all topics which you do not want to discuss. Just imagine being in touch daily gives an undeniable right to that person to ask about things we do not want to talk.

Suneel Madhekar said...


Purna Mehta said...

So nice to have such friends in life...even if you haven't talked to them for ages, when you do, it feels as if it was only yesterday you were together, and you go back in that age..
Really like the way you put up your experience...
Keep writing :)

AB said...

Nice writeup Manasi...
I see you publishing a novel in a few years time :-)
Keep the spirit alive...

Vishal said...

generally the milestones get shared but not the journey !
Thats legandary...Nice blog