Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I like this

Almost a year since I posted a blog. The reason for not writing so long.... Don't know.Reason for writing again...Don't know...But who cares...But its gud that at least the gap is not more than a year (technically).

Well...as usual I don't have something reeeeeeeally big to write about. Just the things that amuse me. The latest one here is : what I like and don't like. Oh don't worry, the blog is not about 25 things I love and 25 things that I hate...Nobody cares...Even I don't(But I have sometimes enjoyed reading them about others). But the question of my likes and dislikes actually came into my mind, when someone recently suggested me a movie and said, "I know you will like it.You generally like such kind of movies." Though it didn't strike me at that time, but this statement baffled me completely later. Are my likes and dislikes so clear cut or well defined?

It's very hard for me to explain it here. And I have already canceled the two lines through which I thought I was trying to explain. So let me try again. Specially, in case of movies, I feel I can try. I used to think that I like the movies where the story seems to be leading somewhere. The reason: I must have scoffed at so many movies that I have hated saying that they were not 'happening enough'. And yet on second thoughts some of my favourite movies are the ones in which the story is thin but dialogues are great...or some other reason.

Same is the case with books too...I generally like the books where the language used is not commonplace. And so I was not surprised when I did not like Chetan Bhagat's last book (but the first one that I read). But I was more surprised that I did not 'not like' his second book. The language is ordinary again. The story is quirky.I don't know what I liked about it.

I don't always like what everybody likes. I also don't hate what everybody likes. But what I was trying to find was a pattern. Can I know before hand that I am going to like or enjoy so and so movie, book,etc. But you know,....I am glad to conclude that there isn't any. It was fun to tell my friend later that I actually did not like the suggested movie.

Have so much to write about this. But don't have words. Plus have many other things to do...some that I like, some that I don't :)

p.s: Couldn't think of better title


Mukta said...

nice post :) it is fun to like quirky things... and be incredibly unpredictable. makes for an interesting life if you can surprise even yourself from time to time!

Suneel Madhekar said...

Our likes or dislikes might depend not only on the subject, but also on the circumstances! If I've seen two movies daily for three days at-a-stretch, I'm unlikely to like the second movie that I'm watching on the fourth day! By the way, I just started reading a book in which the author (a mathematician) discusses whether machines and animals are capable of feelings such as like/dislike, and if so, what is the cause of such feelings... Needless to say, I seem to like the book!