Sunday, August 31, 2008

H2O from the sky

My smile turned into a frown as I opened the door. All this time when I was in safe confines of four walls, it had decided to take a nap and now when I was ready to go, it had woken up from the slumber. I cried out aloud, " Why does it have to rain?". Even a first standard student can write a one page answer on it. And one such first standard kid was standing rite next to me: my nephew. Thank god he didn't start with that answer. But rather asked me innocently, "Don't u like rain?I just love it."

I just looked at him. His awe at this natural phenomenon clearly reflected in his eyes. Even I had loved rain years ago, just like him....going through the puddles that got created thanks to our poor roads. Yes, I surely had loved rain. So when did I really start to hate it. Was it when I got the scolding for spoiling the school socks and shoes for (of course).....wading through the water. No it was not then. Next time I was careful not do it in front of my watchful parents..... Then it must have been when my not-so waterproof bag got wet, and the notebooks having my writing in Ink for the first time got washed away. Yes, I did feel bad for it. But it was surely not then.....Oh, then it must have been when I missed the school picnic because of falling sick coz of getting wet in rain the previous day. May be it was then......or was it when I got late for my college exams coz of it. I don' know. But I remember cursing it when my new dress got spoiled on my way to office, due to - You know who.

I looked at my nephew again. Surely love it while you can. Coz I know u'll reach my stage when you don't know whether you like it or not. Suddenly I heard my aunt behind me, "What r u cribbing about? You r wearing a jacket and have an umbrella. Why shudn't it rain? Our lakes and reserviors need to fill....Else we wud have water cuts....What about poor farmers...." - The one page answer I talked about had begun.


Suneel Madhekar said...

Yeah, time does change our point-of-view and our opinions. As we try to learn from our complex experiences, the simple joys that we had in childhood are lost in the crooked entanglements of the grown-up mind.

However, I never remember liking rainy days when I was a kid... I always disliked rainy days, probably because I never liked the moist, overcast and heavy weather. However, what is interesting is, I seem to have acquired a liking for rains lately! I hope, this is not just another manifestation of my crooked grown-up intellect :-)

Nice post!

Onkar Bhardwaj said...

Hahahaha !!

I alwyas loved rains when I was a child (some people argue that I still am).. I always love it but hate those drivers who splash water. Hating drivers is better than hating rain. By the way, you wrote on such a topic where everybody has something to say ! :)

vinay said...

hahahaha !!! sahi lihila aahes..

I simply love rains...I guess it's the other things that make it worth enjoying or not..Go atop one of Sahyadri's mountains or in the midst of one of its forests and if it starts raining there, there's nothing like it. Go to a clean, pristine country-side and see whether you like the rains there or not. Drive along the coast, in Konkan, in the rains and I am sure you will completely fall in love with such an experience. It's the surroundings, the atomosphere and your companions, who could be humans like you or merrily swinging trees, lush green plains, daunting dark mountains or the swelling seas which can make the rains really enjoyable or the synthetic, fabricated atmosphere of cities which could make it unbearable at times...

Lovely post !

Mukta said...

aha! i do remember having always loved the is just the first few moments when you have to convince yourself that a getting a little wet or mud-splattered is ok...beyond that, all is bliss!! :)though if i am all dressed up and ready to go for a meeting or class, then i crib as much as the next person.

i really like your style of writing. vachtana asa vatun jata, "arey! mi asha drushtine kadhi pahila hota ka??"
nice post!

ishawrit said...

manasi, this post is so nice. You remember when we lived in Vivek Apts, we would cycle through the puddles..... childhood was so nice, clean and innocent... much like rain water...