Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

I am not talking about the epic movie here.

Oh I missed one major level here : "Mediocre".

That's how I end up classifying things I can do or not do in my head.

Good keeps having occasional entries and just as they are about to make me smile and sometimes foolishly trying to move to the imaginary "Superb" level, but then they change their mind, and decide to return to mediocre. Bad and Ugly have entries that I would like to push to mediocre, but they refuse to budge. And just when I am about to give up on them, they give me a glimmer of hope. But the major irritants are "Mediocre". If bad and Ugly is like the scolding you get from your parents, Mediocre is their cold stare. Mediocre causes the heart pangs that just don't go away. And what's worse is, you can't even explain it to anyone else. It's easier to admit you are bad at something. What follows is even worse. You fear that it will move to bad, and that fear makes it impossible for it to reach the Good.

Every now and then, I resolve not to start picturing these buckets. It works for some time, and then the self-expectations and assessments are back. Whoever said Introspection is good, must have had a very high opinion of himself/herself. Else, he/she would never have advocated it to others.

What are my "Good, mediocre, bad and Ugly"? Today's a bad day to write about them. I will probably write about it when Good has some visitors.


Prajakta said...

WOW! Aptly Put. Mediocres do really give me such an disappointment that I don't even want to give it another try.

Mukta said...

i agree! it is when i am stuck in the never ending okay-ish phase that life seems to suck. i wish it would move somewhere, preferably the brilliant phase, but even the horrendous failure one will do, coz things will only improve from then on... for a while... till i hit the okay plateau again.

vinay said...

hehe...reminds me of the 'regression fallacy' :D
but seriously, the mean makes the standard deviations all the more interesting ;)

Anonymous said...

Excellence for a long time can also look mediocre because you keep expecting more. It is all relative and hence nothing is good in absolute sense. sab maya hai!